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I am a 20-something-year-old currently living in the Minneapolis/St. Paul suburb area who loves all things sunshine and summer. I have loved the camera since I was just a little kid, running around with my mom's $50 digital camera she picked up from the local Target. About 6 years ago I switched to my first DSLR camera and never looked back! There is nothing I love more than seeing my clients’ faces light up as I capture and share a picture perfect moment they will get to relive forever. I hope you enjoy my photography as much as I love doing it!

5 Quick Facts About Me:

​1. I love editorial-esque photos. Some of my favorite sessions are the ones where I get to make my client feel like they are a model for a day. I am a huge fan of just playing around with different looks and styles and seeing what art I can come up with with a camera.

2. I am an IT Consultant by day at a local IT Consulting firmed based in Hopkins, Minnesota! (Polar opposite of photography, I know.)

3. I am a HUGE math nerd. Seriously. In my free time you can find me solving calculus practice problems! I actually graduated from the University of Minnesota - Duluth in 2016 with a bachelor's degree in Statistics and Actuarial Science! Go math!

4. I am a coffee addict. Most of my paychecks consist of an abundance of Iced Crafted Presses from the local Caribou, and you bet your bottom dollar that if you catch me without a coffee in my hand on a Saturday morning there is something up!

5. I am an identical twin. If you take a look around on my website, you'll find a few pictures of her. She has always been my #1 model! Thanks Ness!
